Become an Ambassador
As a We Are Donors Ambassador, you will work with the local We Are Donors group at your University to raise awareness and stimulate discussion about organ and blood donation at nearby local schools as well as amongst students at your university.
You can achieve these aims through getting involved in a variety of different We Are Donors Activities including our School Outreach Programme and our University events Programme.
Prior to running any events you will begiven training so that you know what to do and how to access all the resources you will need.
School outreach programmes
We Are Donors runs an outreach programme involving university students who give talks or run workshops at their local schools about blood and organ donation.
We have a number of different talks and workshops aimed at different age ranges from Primary school to secondary school and college students.
Our Organ donation talk covers what transplantation is and why it is done, what organ donors are and why they are important. We emphasise the importance of discussing organ donation wishes with family members and the importance of having donors from all ethnicities. We aim to educate and empower individuals to make a choice: yes or no. Our materials do not aim to pressure anyone into signing up.
Our Blood donation talk covers why blood donation is important and what donated blood is used for. We explain the process of donating blood, who can donate and how to sign up. We also cover the shortage of blood donors from certain ethnic groups and the impact this has on patients.
University events
What is your blood type?
Group blood donation drives
Freshers Fair
Awareness stalls or talks
We are Donor Groups
We Are Donors is expanding across the UK. We started in Newcastle University and now have active groups in 8 universities spread across the country. We are planning to start more groups in the near future. If you are interested in setting up a group please get in touch.
What is your role in We Are Donors?
As a We Are Donors Ambassador, you will deliver talks and/or workshops about organ or blood donation to students at local schools to inspire them to consider becoming a lifesaving blood or organ donor. You will also organise awareness events and group blood donation sessions at your university alongside national organisations such as NHSBT.
You will have the opportunity to work alongside top notch doctors across a range of medical specialities (anaesthetics, paeds, surgery) as part of a national charity. After being an ambassador you may be able to take on leadership positions in your local or even the national commitee.